Olivier Bourgeois

Olivier Bourgeois

Software developer with a focus on cloud, back-end development, and developer experience.


Most websites have an About page where you can learn about the background of the person or business. They have a Contact page where you can reach out. In contrast, a Now page is an up-to-date summarized snapshot of where a person is focused on, at this very moment.

What have I been up to, lately?

Updated as of December 21, 2024.

Living in Waterloo (ON) in Canada.

Working full-time at Google in the Developer Relations team in Google Cloud. And I just passed my 4th workversary a few weeks ago!

Most recently arrived from a 3-weeks vacation in Japan and a 1-week trip in Salt Lake City (UT). Photos incoming soon hopefully!

Still working on my side project XIV ToDo regularly, and finally having some time to finish up my personal website revamp (you’re currently looking at it!)

Still rock climbing! It’s been just about 2 years now and I’m able to reliably top 5.10 and most 5.10+ routes. Earlier this month I topped my first 5.11!

Spending the winter holidays working on side projects and visiting friends & family in Québec (QC).

Currently reading

Currently playing

Currently watching

This page was inspired by Derek Siver’s and is listed on NowNowNow.